Town Election is this coming Tuesday, May 7, 2024. All incumbents of the Select Board and the Planning Board are now rated F after their unlawful attempts to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens and the sportsmen of Westford.
Westford Pro 2A recommends voting for the “A” rated candidates, AND NO ONE ELSE, even if you may vote for others. It is simply throwing your vote away to a committed anti.
Here are the competitive races.
Select Board
Meghan F. O’Connell – A
Meghan is a long time Sportsmens club member. She holds an LTC, FFL-CNR, and was a stalwart supporter of lawful firearms owners, helping to thwart the efforts of the anti’s unconstitutional by-law last year.
Meghan’s opponent received an F for actively trying to impose harsh restrictions on law abiding firearms holders and sportsmen in Westford.
School Committee
Joseph Spadano – A
Joe is a member of Stony Brook Fish & Game. He is an LTC holder and fully aligned with WP2A.
All the other candidates for School Committee received an F.
Grade A – The candidate fully supports the Second Amendment in word, deed, and/or takes a pro-active approach to demonstrating this.
Grade B – The candidate states that they fully support the second amendment, but no other evidence is available to show how they might act.
Grade C – The candidate has made remarks that Westford Pro 2A considers less than fully supportive of the Second Amendment, but we are unaware of any actions by the candidate to undermine the Second Amendment.
Grade F – The candidate has made actions to limit the Second Amendment rights of people. We no longer give the grade “incomplete”. If you refuse to answer the simple questions we pose, you fail. That simple.